Friday, May 29, 2009

D-Run, 28 day program and updates

Hi to all of you loyal readers (Mom & Patti). Have a few good updates as last blog was a downer. Good updates... I ran over 3 miles last Saturday in the Dandelion Run in Derby! OMG, I did it! First couple of miles were killer but hell yeah I pushed through! There were some ladies running about 1 mile ahead of me and I told myself I'd catch them, and... I did, and .... I passed them! Wooo Hoo! Ben was proud of us girls who ran and he ran also. Great day overall.

For the last month of our program, Ben has assigned us a 28-day menu & workout regimen that is certainly challenging. In all honesty, the first week was/has been hell. I'm finding the combos are not easy for me to follow and figuring out the subsitutions has been challenging. I have reviewed the foods for the next week and am going grocery shopping tonight to help me stick to it. The workouts have changed and I'm enjoying the running more.

I have had a lot of self-reflection over the last 2 weeks. Let me rephrase that, I'm scared out of my pants as to how I will maintain my motivation after our Moosers journey ends on June 11th. My goal is cardio 5-6 days per week with strength training 2 days per week. My food is not a problem, it is something I will work to maintain but not nearly as much of a challenge as the exercise. I am excited to take on the challenge but scared on the other hand. I know I'll have the moosers support through email and phone if needed and I plan to use it for sure!

I feel great, my clothes are fitting much better, actually, they're too big! I will re-evaluate my goals for the next 3 months and I look forward to this process. I know Mom & Patti will want to do a little bootcamp workout each week so we'll keep eachother on track! :o)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

28-Day Program not going so well for me

My Aunt Patti told me that even in the hard times she wishes I would blog because we've all been there and can understand. So, here I am, having a not so great day and I'm finding this 28-Day Program & Bootcamp more of a challenge than I ever ever expected.

I think what's bringing me down is that fact that I still have not seen the results I'm looking for, weight wise. Honestly, for some reason, I feel like I'm disappointing everyone (Ben), including myself and I'm just feeling like it's never going to happen. Although I am thrilled that I have lost inches around my waist and hips, I am just sick of waiting to see when the weight will fall off. I am so happy for the other girls that have lost, I just want it to be my turn. I have made so many changes and for what? Not to see the weight results that I want? It doesn't make sense to me.

Warm weather is setting in which means bathing suits. I think I just expected since I wrote down on my goal sheet I'd lose 40-50 lbs, that I thought it would actually happen.

I don't want to quit, and I won't. From day 1 Ben has said that your mind and body are 2 different machines. My body is keeping up but my mind seems to be telling me that I won't reach my goal. I'm a mess. I'm just in a funk and it sucks.

Monday, May 11, 2009

If you fall, get back up again and again in my case!

Seriously, did I really trip on my own feet twice this morning while sprinting? Yup, I did. First time stung but I was more embarassed than hurt. Second time, ouch. I don't know how that heck I did but I landed on the same spot on my right knee. Yeah, it left a mark. I look like I have an egg attached to my knee. I'm breaking out the ice pack in a few mintues. It's in the freezer getting frosty. So what did I learn today... focus focus focus.

The other Moosers did fabulous sprinting and biking and burping the entire time! I managed to do pushups and see saw presses the rest of class. I'm glad Ben got me back out there cause I was ready to leave! Oh, and thank god he has those black rubber matts on the floor! Nice call Ben!

Not much else to report today. The sun is shining....

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Hello Everyone! I named today's blog for my Mom as she has been motivating me throughout this entire process and most recently to blog! Thank you to all who follow my blog to see how the journey is going. It's been about 2 weeks since I've blogged and over all I have good news to share.

Over the last 4 weeks I have had my ups and downs. I have had days where everything has been perfect and I've had days where the food was not the best it could be. I have made bad food choices. I don't mean every single meal was terrible but there were a couple of days where I really needed to be more focused.

This week in Metabolism Makeover class we discussed something very interesting. Fear of success. In the past, when I have lost weight I have always reverted to my old ways. Yes, I did get to a comfortable point and 2 years ago said to myself, hey you've lost 20 lbs, it's a piece of cake from here on out. Yeah right. I gained every pound back. I've recently learned that what I went through 2 years ago and what I'm going through recently is a fear of success. I am well on my way to reaching my goal and this time, instead of coming to a standstill once I've reached my goal, I'm going to set new goals and keep going. I'm going to "get there!" I've gotten so comfortable being in a body that I don't want that I don't know what the heck I'll do with a body I've always dreamed of ~ a healthy, toned, kick ass physique. That's right baby...I'm transforming.

Today Scott and I went to Brunch with his Mother. I feared going a little bit as I knew there would be bad food choices. As Scott has learned, before I go out somewhere, I usually try on about 15 outfits! Well, here's what happened. Some shirts fit, some pants were too big and made it look like I had my little belly pouch still (even though that is shrinking) and then I couldn't decide if it was going to be dress pants or capris. Then it happened... I pulled out a pair of size 14 jean shorts I bought at JCPenny's this winter on the clearance rack for $1.99 (seriously, I couldn't pass up a deal like that and it was good motivation). I wanted to try them on just for the hell of it. When I bought them, I was a good size 20. My goal was to fit in them by July/August. So I grabbed them this morning and tried them on. Yup, that's right, they fit. They were skin tight but you know what, I got my ass into them, and button and there was NO spare tire! I screamed to Scott and started running around the house! I'm sure by this point he was praying I had found my outfit for the day! I screamed "They fit! They fit!" Although I didn't wear them, I was elated! It was I needed to know that I had the strength to go out for a bite to eat and make good choices. I picked up the phone and called my Mother and she too was psyched for me! So, although my bed was covered in clothes, it was sooooooooo worth it!

Oh, and as if that wasn't enough to make my weekend fabulous, I won the Craver Award in Boot Camp on Saturday! YAY! We were on our last exercise and it was high knees. I was standing in place, about 4 feet from the wall and just pretended I was running down a football field. I was so focused and I knew I was haulin' ass. All of a sudden Ben told everyone in the class to look at me and they should all be going at the same pace I was! Oh yeah Baby! I was kickin' ass and takin' names! So, after class, we were all stretching out and Ben said the Craver Award went to someone who has had a long journey with Bootcamp & Metabolism Makeover, has had ups and downs but no matter what, Ben said I always brought my all to every workout. I was BEAMING inside. I just can't even tell you the confidence booster that was. I ate my craver later that day and with every bite I took, I realized how far I've come and I am loving it.

Well, I could write all night but I have to pack my lunch, and hit the hay. Maybe I'll sleep with my skinny bitch shorts on tonight!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Best workouts ever

I have found that there are good moments throughout this program (finding out I was a winning contestant, doing a "real" pushup, loving pull ups, getting 9 sprints, etc.) and there are down moments too or as I call them, roadblocks. After a recent roadblock, I have found a new energy in me that allows me to focus so well during our morning workout at Bootcamp. Yesterday and today I just kept finding it in me to keep pushing. It felt great. It's empowering. So, I'm more focused than ever right now, which in turn is allowing me to have my best workouts ever at Bootcamp.

After discussion with Ben, I've reduced my calories again, down to 1250 and will keep him updated on my hunger over the next week or two. I have bought some new foods this week. Well, they're foods that I haven't had in a while and some foods that I've refused to eat in the past but am incorporating into my menu without a choice. I'm loving the new blackberries that I have added to my salads and get this, I'm acutally liking the little cherry tomatoes!

This week I have worn 2 shirts that I haven't worn in probably 2 years. My pants I'm having to dry in the dryer now so they shrink and by the end of the day they're falling off of me. So, something is happening. I am not weighing myself for 4 more weeks until measurement day. I can't wait to see the new results. I'll be happy if I've at least maintained.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Getting ready for the rest of my life....

After a dissapointing MM class on Saturday I have found that I'm in a challenge right now and I am getting ready for the rest of my life. After a hard week last week (being bored with food, losing enthusiasm for the kitchen, wanting things to be simple) I have come to the realization that besides my extremely supportive fiance, I only need 1 person to support me through those down times.... me. And you know what, I am all that I need. Besides the occasional reachout to my family/friends on a bad day, I can and will succeed.

Tonia could see my pain on Saturday and she just gave me a hug and told me to hang in there. After some tears, a couple of phone calls (to Scott & Meika) and a shopping trip, I had a clear slate and fresh ideas. I can do this. I have never doubted my success but I feel like others are.

So, I've turned a new page in my book and I'm on a new chapter called Project Me. All I can do is keep plugging away, maintaining my fat & inches loss thus far and continue to work hard in the program. Today we switched cardio to 30 rounds of 30/30. I worked hard, pushed myself when I thought I was done I pushed harder at the next station and I felt good after. I have a great menu for today, loaded with veggies & fruits & protien. I'm looking forward to May 9th when we measure again.

Friday, April 10, 2009

BBC Pill -- not sold in stores.

I wish I could bottle the good feeling I have today for rainy days! I just feel awesome! We had a good workout today, I'll get to see some of my family this weekend and my mom very soon. Weather is getting warmer, fruits and veggies seem yummier and it must be that Spring is in the air!

Or, wait, maybe it's because I've been in Ben's Program for 7 weeks now, 6 days a week in boot camp, changing my body composition, eating better than I ever have in my entire life and seeing results! That's right, this stuff isnt' sold in stores!

I was glad to see that Lisa had a good workout today as she had a down day yesterday, I think from just being exhausted. We've all hit that wall, it stinks. But, she plowed through that thing with her purple pants on and kicked bootie today!

Ms. Tonia really made me work extra hard today! She's a fabulous motivator, especially on frog jumps and high knees with the resistance bands! Thanks T!

That's it for now. Probably won't blog til next week, have a very busy weekend ahead! Happy Easter all you little bunnies! ~Missy